fire escapes

美 [ˈfaɪər ɪˈskeɪps]英 [ˈfaɪə(r) ɪˈskeɪps]
  • n.太平梯(在建筑物外部,用以逃离火场)
  • fire escape的复数
fire escapesfire escapes

fire escapes


  • 1
    N-COUNT (建筑物外部用于发生火灾时逃生的)太平梯
    A fire escape is a metal staircase on the outside of a building, which can be used to escape from the building if there is a fire.

  1. Are fire escapes available for buildings more than one story high ?


  2. People can get out of the building from the fire escapes when a fire breaks out .


  3. Sometimes concrete fire escapes are erected to serve as part of the supporting structure for new floors .


  4. The fire escapes are in good condition and there are fire extinguishers in each hallway .


  5. The fire escapes , they don 't collapse under the weight of a eight-year-old boy .


  6. Rashed : There are no fire escapes , fire extinguishers , or emergency exits .


  7. She spent most of the1930s lugging her camera around , shooting pictures of buildings , construction sites , billboards , fire escapes , and stables .


  8. Noise non-sensitive facade [ premises ] Since the 1980s , the Buildings Department has conducted clearances of illegal rooftop structures to remove risks to building structures or from inadequate fire escapes .


  9. Most of the principles in this book attempt to minimize work , while providing greater levels of feedback and contextually useful information to the user . Are fire escapes available for buildings more than one story high ?


  10. Isabella 's , at the base of a seven-storey , redbrick , upper-west-side building with metal fire escapes , is filled with parents and children enjoying its American cuisine .


  11. Since the former are sometimes poorly maintained and hazardous to health and safety with inadequate fire escapes ventilation , and plumbing , the newly arrived foreign student should inspect an older apartment carefully before making any commitment to rent it .


  12. Cement boards may need to be installed around walls and below floors to protect against fire . Fire escapes and fire curtains are sometimes needed .


  13. He tried to escape from the fire , but couldn 't find the fire escapes .


  14. Everyone should know where the nearest fire alarm box is located and where exits fire escapes , and fire doors are .
